Health Revival Roadmap


  • You feel like you’ve tried everything for your autoimmune issues, but it’s just not working.

  • You’re overwhelmed with health information and unsure where to start.

  • You’re tired, foggy, achy, and scared of the next symptom that may pop up.

  • You aren’t satisfied with the idea of “managing your symptoms” for the rest of your life.

  • You’ve been asking why, but you still don’t have many answers about your condition.

  • What works for “everyone else” isn’t working for you.

  • You’ve been searching for a practitioner that you feel comfortable with.

  • You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  • You know deep down that there MUST be something you can do.

You’re here because…

  • … if I told you there is hope?

  • … if I told you there are a number of things you can do in addition to your medical care?

  • … if I told you that you could feel remarkably better in the next 90 days?

  • … if your auto-immune condition was no longer controlling your life?

  • … if you could take back control of your body, your health, and your life?

  • … if you could pinpoint what is making your symptoms worse?

  • … if you had energy, clarity, and vitality again?

  • … if you didn’t have to worry what your life will look like in 5, 10, or 20 years?

How would you feel …

I’ve got you covered. In Health Revival Roadmap, I will show you exactly how to go from struggling on a daily basis with overwhelming autoimmune symptoms, to finally losing weight, feeling great, & taking back control of your body - just like so many other women have.

  • You are a woman struggling with a frustrating autoimmune condition.

  • You are determined to feel better & finally be free of your debilitating symptoms.

  • You are interested in rounding out your medical care with a more holistic approach.

  • You want a proven step-by-step roadmap to transforming your health.

  • You want 1-on-1 guidance as you re-balance your body so that it can heal itself.

  • You are ready to take back control of your health, your body, and your life.

  • You’re ready to dig deep & uncover the underlying issues that may be contributing to your condition(s).

This program is for you if…

I invite you to join me in this 90-day transformational program where I will personally guide you, step-by-step, to lose weight, take back control of your health, & re-balance your body so that it can heal itself as it is innately programmed to do.

Here’s what we will do…

Step 1: Discuss your personal health journey.

Receive 1-on-1 attention from Thea who will spend the time to listen to you, understand you, and answer any questions you have.

Feel the satisfaction of working with a practitioner who understands that your health history is vital to creating your personalized wellness program.

Step 2: Uncover root cause imbalances (deficiencies & toxicities).

See the levels of hundreds of biomarkers in your body using at-home Functional Medicine lab tests, and gain a concrete understanding of how they relate to health. 

Finally understand how physiologic imbalances can sabotage your health, lead to disease, and make you feel so crappy.

Step 3: Replenish deficiencies and eliminate toxicities.   

Re-balance your body and watch your symptoms disappear as you nourish and support your body using a combination of natural supplement protocols and lifestyle interventions.

Step 4: Manage lifestyle factors to optimize your health.

 Establish a personalized lifestyle plan that encourages health rather than one that supports disease.

Implement effective and sustainable habit change in the areas of diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, sleep, supplementation, and mindset.

Step 5: Adjust your personalized plan as needed.  

Feel supported as you work 1-on-1 with me toward your goals, adjusting as needed, and continue to realize just how amazing you can feel.

Visualize your progress with follow-up Functional Medicine lab testing.

 Step 6: Learn how to maintain your health and newly found vitality!!

Walk away with a personalized and sustainable plan that will help you to stay healthy, vibrant, and full of energy for years to come.

Together, I will show you how so many other women have re-balanced their bodies, overcome their conditions, and returned to optimal health by utilizing functional medicine lab testing and personalized wellness programs.

  • Discover exactly what triggers your symptoms and how to control those factors.

  • Have control over your health & your body again - no more living life around your symptoms.

  • Discover your toxicities & deficiencies, and understand how to re-balance each of them.

  • Go from being frustrated with the current state of your health to confident and enthusiastic about the quality of your current and future health.

  • Learn how to manage lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, toxins, and stress.

  • Lower your toxic load, remove sources of inflammation, support your immune system, boost your metabolism, and re-balance your hormones.

  • Learn how to support your body and health at a root cause level & why that’s so important.

  • Understand how and why you got sick, so that you don’t return there again.

  • Be well on your way to your weight loss goals.

  • Have more energy, clarity, and vitality than you have had in years.

  • Have a comprehensive long term plan for maintaining your newfound health & vitality.

In just 90 days you’ll…

Veza Wellness and Thea Banjac do not treat, cure, or diagnose disease! Instead, the mission of Veza Wellness is to help you to rebalance your body, so that it can heal itself as it is innately programmed to do. This is achieved through lifestyle interventions in the areas of nutrition, physical activity, stress management, toxin removal, sleep, supplementation, & mindset! Health Revival Roadmap or any service provided by Veza Wellness is not a substitute for medical care by a doctor or other licensed healthcare professional.

If you can’t afford to be healthy, you certainly can’t afford to be ill.

What’s all included?

Work with Thea to re-balance the underlying issues that may be contributing to your autoimmune condition(s). We will begin with an in-depth discussion looking into your health history. Then, with the help of Functional Medicine lab testing, we will create a bio-individualized plan to re-balance your body & help you to overcome even your most persistent issues.

  • 12-16 week results-driven coaching program.

  • 1-on-1 coaching with Thea - work with Thea privately to create your personalized roadmap that will free you from your daily autoimmune struggles and guide you to optimal health.

  • 4 private appointments with Thea:
    Appt. 1: 60-minute in-depth health intake with initial lab and lifestyle recommendations
    Appt. 2: 60-minute review of your functional medicine lab results & personalized plan including lifestyle interventions and natural protocols/supplementation if needed
    Appt. 3: 30-minute follow-up coaching call with plan adjustments, add-ons, and additional recommendations as needed
    Appt. 4: 30-minute follow-up coaching call on how to wean off supplements, how to maintain results, and how to continue improving your health for sustainable and long term results

  • Email support from Thea throughout the entirety of your program.

  • Recipe recommendations tailored to your body’s needs.

  • A variety of templates, educational handouts, and coaching worksheets for additional support.

** Lab testing is optional, but highly recommended for optimal and timely results.  All lab tests & supplements are an additional fee and are not included in the cost of this package.

** Some clients may require more than the included 4 appointments to reach their goals. Additional coaching calls may be purchased individually in that case.

Additional Services


Lab Testing

Discover hundreds of biomarkers in your body; your levels will reveal the deficiencies you need to replace & the toxicities you need to remove in order to optimize your health. Functional medicine lab tests purchased a-la-carte, or can be added to any package to further individualize your wellness program & accelerate your results.


12 Weeks to Well

In a virtual 1-on-1 setting, you will be guided through a 12-week program aimed at rebalancing blood sugar levels and addressing the insulin resistance that leads to weight gain, fuels inflammation, & drives chronic disease! If you have imbalanced blood sugar or insulin, or if you’re overweight, tired, or if you’re dealing with any chronic health issues, this program is the best place to start!

Questions before getting started?
Book a free consultation.